You are Your Selling Point!
You are Your Selling Point!
It’s so true… You are the key to standing out in a crowded market place.
You are the one thing that makes your business unique.
You are the only one who does what you do, the way that you do it.
So, why shy away from showing up as the face of your business?
What is it that makes you hide yourself behind you logo – even the loveliest, most striking logo is no match to a bright, happy, smiley picture of YOU!
That’s Where Personal Brand Photography comes in!
Having a set of images that show who you are as a person is essential. Your followers will choose to keep following you because they like you. Yes, they may also like that you share some of your knowledge or expertise with them; but there will be many other businesses, just like yours, who will be offering something similar to you. In order for your clients to choose to work with you or to keep following you, they need to actually like you or they can relate to you.
Show Your Personality…
I really believe that your images are just as important as your written content or even what you offer…
It doesn’t matter if you hired an expensive copywriter or you have an amazing unmissable offer – If the content is not paired with eye catching, scroll stopping images, nobody will actually read your offer.
Here are my tips to showing your personality and stopping that scroll!
- Choose a location that you love, where you feel relaxed.
- Bring props to hold or use.
- MOVE! Don’t stand still or you will look stiff and posed, move around, sway, jump, walk, high kick… whatever feels natural to you.
And that’s just for your business portraits! With personal brand photography you can get so many more images to use across your social media platforms, website and marketing materials. Images that will help you to stand out from your competitors; lifestyle images, product shots, behind the scenes, action shots, insta ready versus real life… the list goes on!
Do you have a Personal Brand? Are you rebranding and/or want to take your business to the next level?
Let’s work together to create a bank of images that show you as the go-to in your field… the professional, the best! A bank of images that are not only aligned with you and your messaging but that will also attract the right kind of clients… your ideal client.
I can help you and your business to up-level with high quality, authentic, brand photos.
Category: Creative, Lifestyle, Photography